
This work was supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (H2020), as part of ARETE (grant agreement no. 856533). ARETE’s objective is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive AR content toolkit.

Arete Market adds the capability for educators to share Augmented Reality learning experiences (ARLEM units) designed to enhance the education of students (IEEE p1589-2020 ‘ARLEM’ compliant). ARLEM units can be created and executed with compatible mobile or smart glasses apps such as Mirage·XR.

See https://arete.ucd.ie/ and https://www.areteproject.eu/ for more details.


To register for an account, go to the registration page. By registering, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of ARETE Market.

Uploading Files

Please see the Publishing Guidelines. Files must compressed and uploaded as zip folder.


Content must conform to the Content Moderation Policy.

Downloading and Sharing ARLEM units

Files must be in zip format.


Please see how to choose a license.