Publishing Guidelines

Last updated: 30 June 2022

ARETE Market is a platform for you to publish, share and discover new Augmented Reality Learning Experience Models (ARLEMs).

  • Content published on ARETE Market remains your work. You own the rights to any original content that you publish.
  • You can request the deletion of your content from our platform at any time.
  • ARETE Market can distribute your content, annotate your content, and sell advertising on pages where your content appears.
  • Your content will be publicly available and can be shared.
  • Advertisements and promotions for products, events, products, or services aren’t appropriate content for publishing.
  • Remember to be professional and don’t post anything that violates the Content Moderation Policy. ARETE Market will disable accounts found using infringing content.
  • You’re responsible for your content, including any harm caused by you to others, or harm caused to you through your use of this service.
  • ARETE Market may restrict, suspend, or terminate your account and/or disable your content for any violation of the Content Moderation Policy, GDPR Guidelines or Terms and Conditions.

Please don’t publish anything you don’t have permission to share, which includes other people’s content, content that belongs to your employer and not you, or content you find on the Internet, unless you have clear permission from the owner to share it. You can upload something that you have published uploaded somewhere else, as long as you own the rights to it.